According to greenfield investment monitor fDi Markets, total investment levels into Asia-Pacific experienced a decline in the first quarter of 2014, compared with the same period in 2013.
January 2013 saw 278 FDI projects in Asia-Pacific, with the creation of 51,406 jobs by 243 investing companies. The same number of projects were recorded the following month, with 48,624 jobs created by 236 investing companies. In the final month of the first quarter, 274 projects were recorded, with 49,145 jobs created by 221 investing companies.
In January 2014, just 160 FDI projects were recorded in Asia-Pacific, with 35,282 jobs created by 133 investing companies. This represents a 42.4% fall in project numbers compared with January 2013. The following month saw a 34.1% decline in project numbers compared to a year previous, with 183 projects recorded. There was an increase in activity in March 2014, with 202 projects recorded, and 44,474 jobs created by 151 companies. But this was still down on the previous year, with a 26.3% decrease in project numbers compared with March 2013.
In the first quarter of 2013, 830 projects were recorded, with 149,225 jobs created by 664 investing companies. The same period in 2014 saw 545 projects recorded, with 128,182 jobs created by 395 investing companies. These figures represent a 34.3% decrease in projects, a 14.1% decline in jobs created and a 40.5% drop in companies investing.